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The Play and Learn Library is a small science resource and games library in Canberra.
The library will house two types of resources - science resources (eg. anatomy models, weather station) and games (exciting new board-games, card games).

All items will be for rent at 15% of their retail price per 2 week period, and at 10% for a one week extension.

The Play and Learn Library will OFFICIALLY OPEN on the 1st June 2016.... currently adding items to catalogue.

You can choose to join for 3 months, 6 months, or yearly; a small membership fee, plus a deposit (to be returned), must be paid before renting any items.


If your child has a particular interest in the weather but at the moment you may not wish to purchase a weather station, you can borrow one from our library.
Human anatomy models can also deepen or spark an interest; having a hands on object is always enticing, as well as being an excellent addition to a home or classroom for a while.

Board games and specialist card games are very expensive to buy (usually between $40 and $90 per game), and the family may get tired of it before long, think it doesn't quite suit them, or find they love it and wish to buy one! Or you become so excited in the world of board/card games you'd like to keep trying new ones!! A board-game or card game can be the focus of a party, or even make a proper night of it, a game night!


Two games and two science resources can be rented for 2 weeks, if they have not been reserved during this period the items may be extended for 5 more days at half price.
The amount of items permitted for borrowing will eventually rise as more items are purchased for the library. Late fines apply per day, but email reminders will be sent out.

Borrowing procedure and opening hours:
Reserve items online and pick up (will be open for 3 afternoons per week).

If you would like to ask about Membership prices and how to join, please email:
Phone: ( our phone number is kept private. )